Where is the BPM office located?
Our physical address is: 1100 28th Street, Suite #100, Boulder, CO 80303. We are located at the corner of the frontage road paralleling 28th Street and Colorado. We are in the Southeast corner next to Bovas.
When is rent due?
Rent is always due on the 1st of the month. You have a grace period until the 7th to get it paid. It is deemed late on the 8th.
What happens if we pay rent late?
There will be a late fee of 5% of the rent amount or $50 whichever is greater. We will always accept rent early.
Do you accept cash or credit cards in the office?
No, we will not take cash or credit cards in the office as a method of payment. The best way to pay BPM is with a check or money order. You may also make an online payment through Appfolio which is the third party company that we use
What if I lose my keys?
No problem! Bring a copy of your ID to our main office! BPM provides house, mail, & laundry room keys for $25.
How do I contact the emergency maintenance person on duty?
If you are contacting our maintenance emergency line after normal business hours, PLEASE make sure it is a true emergency and cannot wait until morning. Emergencies include the following: Fire, Flooding, Sewer back-up, gas leak, no heat, or you are locked out of your unit. If your request does not meet the listed items, you will be charged. Call our BPM office at (303) 473-9559 and listen to the prompt to contact BPM’s after hours on-call technician.
Does Boulder Property Management allow short term leases?
No. All of our leases are one year leases with a possibility to renew.
Does BPM rent any furnished units?
No, all of our rentals come unfurnished. However, we have referred several tenants to Cort for help with furnishing apartments. Click below to learn more.
If I am sub-leasing my unit without liability can I leave furniture behind for the tenant replacing me?
No, all furniture must be fully removed at the time of a sublease in order for BPM to check out your unit.
How do I secure a rental property once I have been to a showing?
Once you know for sure that you want to sign a year lease for a BPM rental, please come into the BPM Office, located at the southeast corner of 28th and Colorado, and fill out a HOLD form with a BPM agent. To put down a hold, you will need to give the BPM representative $100.00 per bedroom, which is non-refundable if you decide not to lease the unit. All hold money goes towards your security deposit once you sign your lease.
Will you rent to me if I have never rented before?
YES! If you do not have any rental history, we will rent to you pending your rental application results. If you do not have rental history we will require a parent or guardian to complete a Guarantor Liability Addendum (Addendum D). This Addendum is required for any 3 Bedroom or larger property. It is not required for a Studio-2 Bedroom property, however, it will be required if you do not have sufficient rental history or have a low credit score, etc.
Can I sign a lease if I am out of town?
YES! BPM now offers ALL leases to be signed electronically.
How do I see the inside of a property that I am interested in renting?
We start showing and pre-leasing properties in October for the following fall. To set up a showing with a BPM agent, just give us a call a day beforehand and we will make an appointment with you. All showings occur Monday-Friday from 10:30am-3:00pm and appointments must be made at least a day in advance. We are closed for showings Saturday and Sunday.
How much do I need to put down for security deposit?
The amount of security deposit money BPM collects is equal to either 1 1/2 month’s rent or 2 month’s rent depending on the property you are renting. This security deposit money is NEVER USED FOR ANY PORTION OF RENT. Last month’s rent will be due on the first day of the last month of your lease.
Are utilities included in the monthly rental price?
No, utilities are never included in rent. Please refer to your lease for specifics about your utilities. Some of our units pay a flat monthly rate for utilities and some pay a percentage of the total building’s utility bills.
Can I pre-lease a rental before pre-leasing begins?
We have a ‘Waiving Right of Lease Renewal’ form (under ‘Contracts and Forms’ on the website). If you get ALL of the signatures of the tenants on the current lease to sign this form and BPM verifies the signatures for authenticity, we can then start the process to sign a lease for this property with you and your roommates for the next year.
Can we move in early?
Unfortunately, no. The earliest you can pick up keys is 12pm on your move in day. No keys will be released prior to that time, and anyone found in a unit before move-in is technically trespassing and subject to fees.
What are the zoning requirements in Boulder?
Boulder has different zoning laws for each area of town. Typically, each property is zoned for at most, either 3 or 4 unrelated persons. The amount of people that are permitted to live in one place together is not determined by the amount of bedrooms in the unit. For instance, if a 5 bedroom house is zoned for 4 people, then BPM can only put 4 people on the lease.
How do I break my lease with BPM?
BPM does NOT simply ‘break leases’! Your lease is a legally binding document to which you will be held accountable until the date of termination. Be absolutely sure you want to live in your unit with your roommates for an entire year or are prepared to work out a sublet or roommate change should you need to do so. We do understand that some people may not able to fulfill an entire year long lease and we are willing to do everything in our power to make a sublet or roommate change as smooth and easy as possible.
How do I sublet my unit?
A sublet is when all persons on a lease would like to vacate and have an entirely new set of tenants take their place. (If only one or some of the tenants on the lease would like to vacate, then please refer to the next question relating to roommate changes.) It is up to the tenants on the lease to find suitable replacements, to take over their financial liability until the lease expires. The fee to sublet is equal to one month’s rent or half of one month’s rent depending on whether or not the vacating tenant(s) wish to remain financially liable on the lease contract. Once new tenants are found they must fill out rental applications (found on our website under “Contracts and Forms”) and submit them to BPM so they may be screened for approval. Once approved, BPM will call you so you can make an appointment to sublease. ALL the vacating and new tenants need to come in together to sign the necessary documents to make this exchange legal. Please review the “Sublease Information” under “Contracts and Forms” on our website for more information on subleasing.
Scenario: I live with roommates and want to have someone else take over my spot on the lease.
If one roommate is vacating and having another person take over the financial liability of the lease, this is called a “Roommate Change”. It is up to the vacating tenant to find a person to take their spot and ALL the other roommates on the lease must approve the new tenant. There is a fee to do a roommate change, so please call BPM to ask more questions.
A few good resources for finding a roommate are craigslist.org, Ralphie’s List, and even Facebook. The new tenant must fill out a rental application (you can get one of these by calling the office, you will need the first name, last name, and email address of the tenant applying) and submit it to BPM. There is a $50.00 Rental Application fee per application submitted. The next step is making an appointment with a BPM Agent to fill out the Roommate Change document. All tenants on the lease including the new and vacating tenants must be present at the meeting to agree to the terms and sign the document. It is imperative that all roommate changes take place with a BPM Agent!! If they are not done legally through BPM, and we become aware of this at any time throughout the tenancy, there is a possibility that the tenant not on the lease could be evicted!
I live with roommates and want to have someone else take over my spot on the lease.
If one roommate is vacating and having another person take over for them, this is called a ‘roommate change’. It is up to the vacating tenant to find a person to take their spot and ALL the other roommates on the lease must approve the new tenant. There is a fee to do a roommate change, call BPM to ask more questions. A few good resources for finding a roommate are craigslist.org and Housing Helpers. The new tenant must fill out a rental application (found on our website under ‘Contracts and Forms’) and submit it to BPM. There is a $50.00 rental application fee per application submitted. The next step is making an appointment with a BPM agent to fill out the Roommate Change Document. All tenants on the lease including the new and vacating tenants must be present at the meeting in order to agree to the terms and sign the document. It is imperative that all roommate changes take place through BPM. If they are not done legally through BPM and we become aware of this at any time throughout the tenancy, there is a possibility that the tenant not on the lease could be evicted.
Can I be present for the check-out of my unit?
No. Unfortunately during the turnover season, BPM generally turns over about 550 units. Due to our exceptionally busy schedule we do not have the time to schedule individual appointments with the exiting tenants. If there is a problem with your security deposit return, you will need to write us a dispute letter – all disputes must be in writing because in many cases it will take the BPM Agent some time to research and respond to your inquiries. Rest assured that no decisions on charges are being made at the time of check-out and BPM does not stand to profit from any deductions incurred at the property. By law, you will be provided with a line-item detailed breakdown of any and all charges deducted from your deposit. BPM will refer to your tenant check-in sheet provided to you at move-in, and any other historical Agent documentation to ensure your deposit is returned to you accurately and fairly.
How long will it be until we receive our security deposit back?
BPM’s lease contract states that we have 60 days after the last day of your lease to return your security deposit to you. We will put your security deposit in the mail within 60 days of the last day of your lease. If a forwarding address is not given, by law we must send it to the last known address which is the address where you lived with us. It generally takes all of this time to gather up all of the invoices and the utilities bills in order for the BPM to put all this information together and mailed out to you within the 60-day time period. All deposits will be made payable to all tenants on the lease and you will all have to be together to cash the check unless proper paperwork is turned in before the end of your lease.
What are these Box Elder bugs about in Boulder?
Box elder bugs are harmless insects that won’t bite people nor will they cause severe damage to your personal property. When found in large numbers however, they are considered nuisance pests and may stain walls and other areas with their excrement.
Box elder bugs invade homes in large numbers in the late summer and early autumn searching for a place to overwinter. They like warmer conditions and are more likely to invade homes and buildings that get a fair amount of sun. They typically remain active until cold weather sends them searching for cracks, crevices and other sheltered areas inside and will stay there until milder weather returns.
The box elder tree is the main source of food for the box elder bug. Box elder bugs also feed on Ash trees, Maple trees, Cherry trees as well as a variety of other seed-bearing plants. Removing the trees, especially the female or pod-bearing trees, is the most effective way of controlling the pest. However, elimination of trees on your property won’t always completely resolve the problem. Winged adults can fly distances up to several blocks, so they could migrate in from a neighbor’s tree.
BPM does not use potentially harmful insecticide sprays for the treatment of box elder bugs due to its inefficiency and chemicals. It is generally not recommended to treat box elder bugs with chemicals for it is just as effective to use a vacuum cleaner and hosing them down with water. Spray a combination of dishwashing liquid and water to each individual bug. Gets them right away! Household insecticidal aerosols and many household spray cleaners also are effective when applied directly to individual Insects. All of these measures provide temporary relief only until the cooler weather comes!
Why is the floorplan listed not exact square footage?
The floorplans are done by a third-party company who states “While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the floorplan, measurements of doors, windows and rooms are approximate, and no responsibility is taken for any omission or misstatement. These plans are for visual representation purposes only and should be used as such by any prospective tenant.”